标题:如何做rss?RSS规范 出处:北京SEO_北京SEO培训 - 【元创SEO】 时间:Sat, 21 Feb 2009 16:15:27 +0000 作者:元创 地址:http://www.yuan-chuang.cc/read.php/184.htm 内容: 如何做rss?RSS规范 我们使用的是应用得比较广泛的RSS 2.0规范,参考Berkman Center 提供的 RSS 2.0 Specification。做为XML的方言,它首先必须是一个完整的符合XML 1.0 specification 的XML文档。 是每个xml文档都必须出现的声明。接下来是这样的标记,表示我们使用的是RSS 2.0规范。 我们提供了RSS 2.0规范中的Sample,做为RSS解析模块的标准测试集。 Liftoff News http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/ Liftoff to Space Exploration. en-us Tue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT Tue, 10 Jun 2003 09:41:01 GMT http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss Weblog Editor 2.0 editor@example.com webmaster@example.com Star City http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/news/2003/news-starcity.asp How do Americans get ready to work with Russians aboard the International Space Station? They take a crash course in culture, language and protocol at Russia's Star City. Tue, 03 Jun 2003 09:39:21 GMT http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/2003/06/03.html#item573 Sky watchers in Europe, Asia, and parts of Alaska and Canada will experience a partial eclipse of the Sun on Saturday, May 31st. Fri, 30 May 2003 11:06:42 GMT http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/2003/05/30.html#item572 The Engine That Does More http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/news/2003/news-VASIMR.asp Before man travels to Mars, NASA hopes to design new engines that will let us fly through the Solar System more quickly. The proposed VASIMR engine would do that. Tue, 27 May 2003 08:37:32 GMT http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/2003/05/27.html#item571 Astronauts' Dirty Laundry http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/news/2003/news-laundry.asp Compared to earlier spacecraft, the International Space Station has many luxuries, but laundry facilities are not one of them. Instead, astronauts have other options. Tue, 20 May 2003 08:56:02 GMT http://liftoff.msfc.nasa.gov/2003/05/20.html#item570 根节点为标签:其中可选的文本域为表示channel的标题,<description>表示channel的详细描述,这是我们要提取和最后显示的。之后每个独立的<item>节点用来表述不同的单项,里面<title>、<description>、<link>、<pubDate>是我们程序要处理的内容。 SEO培训-元创编辑 Generated by Bo-blog 2.1.1 Release